Studying is a skill…one that we may or may not have mastered during many years of education. I know I went through different study methods before settling on one that worked for me during 7 years of higher education. An important part of successful studying is staying focused. If you also want to improve study habits, see this post on the topic.

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Here are my 5 Tips for Staying Focused while Studying: 

1.     Remove distractions 

With the amount of technology available today distractions occur frequently. We are either checking our cell phone, refreshing our internet browser or scrolling through social media. My #1 tip for removing distractions?! Place your phone in another room – the old saying “out of sight, out of mind” works well here. Instead of getting distracted by text messages, new emails, Instagram updates, Tweets and so on, we can remove the distraction.

2.     Plan/Schedule 

Planning what you will study ahead of time is important. There are multiple ways to accomplish this and one way is to review what you have studied before going to bed and planning out what you want to accomplish the next day. When you wake up the next morning, you have a set plan and goal in mind for the day. These are short-term goals/plans and you can incorporate long-term goals/plans into your scheduling as well with weekly or monthly scheduling.

3.     Schedule Breaks

If you are tackling a large portion of your studying over several hours, schedule breaks during the day. These breaks can include your meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner) along with your health/fitness routine. There does not need to be an exact time you will take each and every break; if you want to get through a section of material before dinner, then finish what you need to and then take your scheduled break.

4.     Separate Physical Spaces

Separating physical spaces is important for mental recovery. When you take your scheduled breaks, make sure you leave the room you are studying in. When we forget to separate these 2 spaces, we often roll over our break time into our study time and vice versa. It’s the same concept as keeping your bedroom for sleeping and no other activities (such as watching television) because our body adjusts to these activities. It helps our body recognize that a physical space is designated for a particular activity – staying focused in the process.

5.     No Self-Control? Use Technology

If you’re still having trouble with self-control and putting away technology or saying “no” to things, consider technology apps to assist you. One app for Mac-users is SelfControl – allowing you to set restrictions on websites, mail servers, the Internet, etc. Other apps include: Freedom, Anti-Social, FocusWriter, WriteRoom, StayFocused, LeechBlock, FocusON, Focus, and Cold Turkey.

Your Turn! Comment below on how you stay focused while studying! 

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